What is Teletherapy?
Teletherapy is doing the therapy that your OT or Speech therapist would do in the clinic BUT it is in your home using the video calling tools on your home computer. 

Teletherapy is a wonderful way for a therapist to educate parents on how to help their children.
Teletherapy is a great way for a parent to learn how to use their own home and materials in their home to ensure they know how to push their child’s potential. Your therapist will help you by giving you clear directions on how to help.

Why should a parent choose Teletherapy?

Consistently working a skill is the best way to master that skill! We always want forward progress for our kids!
Coming into your home via video allows a therapist to see the set-up of your home, the toys your child plays with and the interaction of your family.
*We can suggest how to work with your home’s set up to best challenge your child
*We can use your child’s actual toys to challenge your child’s skills.
*New or next step toys can be suggested so you know how to challenge your child

​*Teletherapy is a great option for times when getting to the clinic is not possible due to illness or scheduling

How does Teletherapy work?

A parent/caregiver or older sibling will set up a computer or camera phone for use for the session.
Parent/caregiver receives an email with a link prior to their scheduled therapy session
Parent/caregiver clicks the link 
Therapist will join and you will see her face on screen
The therapist will give directions for the child to do a task.
If the child needs help, the therapist will guide the parent/caregiver on how to help.

Is my child too young for Teletherapy?

No child is too young for teletherapy. As a parent, you should know how to carry over what your child does in therapy at home. This is the way to true progress. A child needs to practice nearly every day to accomplish skills. Your therapist will teach you how to help your child. Then you will have these skills to help your child every day!!
What if I am not sure my child would do well with Teletherapy?
I will default to the old adage…You never know until you try!…I would suggest trying Teletherapy 3-4 times. Give yourself and your child a chance to get used to this new way of learning and see if it will work. It truly is priceless as a parent to develop the skills to be able to help your own child.

What if my child will not attend to the video screen?

No problem!! As long as the parent learns how to challenge the child on the requested task, the parent can redirect the child to practice the skills. The great news is the parent now knows how to challenge each skill with their child even when the therapist is NOT present.

What if we are too busy with work and school to do therapy at home?
Your therapist will work with you on a schedule that works for your family! Life is busy! We challenge you to make the time to push your child’s potential, so their confidence continues to grow. We want to help. Let us know what will work for you!

All about Teletherapy